# Asset introduction

Assets are items on the public internet that do not contain any inherent risk themselves. Their risk increases through exposures: flaws or gaps in your attack surface that could be exploited by an attacker. This section explains how to navigate assets and directs you to the sections where you can learn about each asset type.

EASM Assets
EASM Assets

# Viewing assets

Use the steps below to view assets in the EASM Assets table.

  1. Select Assets from the top menu and select EASM Assets to display the Asset Inventory page with focus on the EASM Assets tab and the Assets table.

    EASM Assets

    EASM assets are viewed by asset class, and the default display is the IP Address asset type (the first asset class listed in the left Asset Class menu (IP Address, Domain, etc.)).

    EASM Assets

  2. Select the asset class in the left side of the Assets Inventory page to display all assets of that type in the Assets table and the summary cards above it.

    EASM Asset Type of Domain

    Asset types in EASM include:

    The following asset types will be coming soon:

    • Applications
    • Source code
    • Network devices
    • Identity

  3. In the Assets table, scroll right to select the Asset Details icon to the far right of any row to view the details page for that asset.

EASM Asset Details page

See also:

# Adding an asset

Assets will be added by EASM as they scan and discover them. But you can manually add assets now.

Use the following steps to add an asset.

Add an Asset
Add an Asset

  1. Navigate to the EASM Assets page (top menu Assets -> EASM Assets).

  2. Select the asset class that matches the one you want to add (e.g., IP Address, Domain, ASN, Company, or Cloud Asset) at the far left next to the table.

  3. Select the Add Asset button near the top right of the page to display the Add Asset field in the left side of the page.

    Add Asset field

  4. Select the IPs/Domains tab or the Cloud tab (for Cloud Account) and enter the requested values and tags as desired.

    Enter asset values

    • For Cloud Accounts, the following are supported: AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.

# Filtering assets

When you first land on the Assets page, IP Address is selected by default. Selecting any other asset will change the table display to show all the assets of that selected type.

Selecting any of the top four cards at the top of the page auto-filters the asset table to display the selected card's state:

  • A total count of all assets of that type
  • Assets of that type with open findings
  • Assets of that type without open findings
  • Assets of that type with entry points

Filtering Assets by asset cards
Filtering Assets by asset cards

# Merging assets

With the correct permissions, you can merge EASM assets. See the Merging assets section of this guide for details.

# Removing assets from monitoring

When you have the correct permissions, you can remove an asset from being monitored by EASM by selecting the Remove from Monitoring button on any Asset details page.

When an asset (IP Address, Domain, or ASN) is removed from monitoring, any related findings for that asset are unpublished and don't display on the EASM Findings page.