# Working with assets

An asset is something owned by your organization where a vulnerability could be found, such as a web server, a source code file, or an IP address.

Every finding in the NetSPI Platform is associated with an asset. Assets are created automatically when importing finding data.

The Assets page displays all of your organization's assets on the All Assets tab, combining PTaaS, EASM, and CAASM-discovered assets when you are subscribed to all three modules.

Assets page
Assets page

  1. From the top menu, select Assets, and then All Assets, PTaaS Assets, EASM Assets, or CAASM Assets.

    Assets top access

    This displays the Asset Inventory page for your organization, with All Assets tab and IP Addresses as the default asset display.

    Assets table

  2. Use the table below as a reference for actions you can take to customize and view your organization’s asset data in a way that suits you.

Callout Functionality Description
1 Asset source view: Choose to view all assets across all modules, or only those assets discovered by EASM, PTaaS, or CAASM.
2 Asset Cards: Select any Asset card to filter the assets that display in the Assets table to match your selection. Each card displays the total number of assets, those assets with or without open findings and those assets that have entry points. The Asset card data and labels change to match the asset type selected from the asset type buttons to the left of the asset table.
3 Asset Selector: Select a specific asset type to display all assets for that asset type in the asset table and the summary count for that asset at the top of the page.

Search / Filter / Table Display

Search: Enter a search term and hit Enter to filter the assets table to display only those assets that match the search criteria.

Filter: Select the Filter icon to create, save, and apply a custom filter to the assets that display in the asset table. Active filters display above the assets table header row and may be easily dismissed.

Table Display: Select the Column icon to display a dialog box where you can select which columns you want to display in the asset table.

Note: Including the Discovery Source column in the Assets table will display one of the four following asset discovery sources (if available): PTaaS, AWS, Qualys, and Manual. The NetSPI Platform provides integrations with your AWS and Qualys accounts. See the Integrations instructions for details for implementation.

Asset Table: This is where all your assets are displayed for the selected asset type.

From here you can:

1. Select row checkboxes for bulk actions.
2. Select an individual row to display that asset's details summary on the page's left side.

Asset details summary
6 Select the Details icon Asset details icon to display the Asset details page for the selected asset in a full page display.

Asset details page

A Related Assets tab displays when there are related assets present for the selected asset.

# Filter assets

The top row of the Assets page displays cards for assets assocIated with IP addresses, open findings, without open findings, and with entry points. Note that the IP Addresses card name and count change based on the asset type you select from the asset buttons to the left of the Assets table.

Assets Active Filters
Assets Active Filters

  1. Select each of the Assets cards to filter the Assets table for that category. The Active Filters row displays at the top of the table for each selected card so that you can see which asset criteria is included/excluded in the filtered list.

  2. Select the Clear All link in the Active Filters field to remove all filter criteria.

To perform a custom filter use the following steps:

  1. Select the Filter icon to display the Saved Filters/Filters dialog box.

    Assets Filters dialog box

  2. Select the Filters tab to display the freeform filter fields where you can select values and logic to build your own filter.

    Assets Freeform Filter

  3. Select the Apply Filters button to display the Asset table with values that meet your applied filter criteria.

# Searching assets

Use the following steps to search assets.

  1. Enter search criteria in the Search Assets field.

    Assets Search Field

  2. Select the asset type you want to search for from the asset buttons to the left of the table.

  3. Press Enter to perform the search and see the results.

    Applied Assets Search Results

  4. Select the 'X' next to your search text or at the far right of the search field to clear the results and return to the default table display.

See also Search, Sort, and Filter Tables

# Configure the assets table display

Configure the columns that display in the Assets table by selecting the Table icon and selecting or clearing checkboxes for columns you want to display/hide.

Assets Table Column Config
Assets Table Column Config

See also Search, Sort, and Filter Tables

# Sorting the assets table

Use the following steps to sort the findings table based on a single column.

  1. Select any table column header to sort the Asset data by the selected column.

    Assests table column config

  2. Select the table column header again to toggle the data for that column from ascending to descending and back again.

# Asset Details page

Use the steps below to display the details page for any asset in the Asset table.

  1. Select the Details icon Details icon at the far right of any row to display the Asset details page for the selected asset in a full page display.

    Asset Details page

    Note: If you select anywhere in an asset table row, a condensed view of that asset's details displays in a side panel to the right. You can also select the Details icon here to move from the condensed view to the full page view as displayed above.

    Asset Details Side Panel

    The top of the Asset details page displays the asset’s name followed by tabbed menu links beneath it with the Overview tab in focus.

  2. Use the table below to help you navigate the Asset details page Overview tab.

Callout Functionality Description

The top row of the Asset details page displays the asset’s name followed by tabbed menu links beneath it. Select the tabs to display details related to the selected asset:

  • An overview of the asset, similar assets to the one selected, findings, ports, certificates, products, and engagements the asset is associated with
  • An activity log for the asset’s lifecycle where you can see every person and stage the asset has passed through
  • Comments from NetSPI or your organization on the asset
  • A graphic illustrating the asset's lineage

Note: If an asset spans more than one engagement for your organization, any comments on the asset stick with that asset, and will display even if you view the same asset within the context of a different engagement.

Note: Select the back arrow next to the page title to return to the main Assets page.
2 The left field group displays the asset's name, any tags applied to the asset, the method by which the asset was discovered, when the asset was created in the NetSPI Platform, the name of the NetSPI Agent who created the asset record, and modification dates.
3 The Open Findings field group displays any open findings associated with the asset.
4 The four cards display the number of associated engagements, domains, and ports associated with the asset, and when selected, display those associated entities for the asset.
5 Recent comments includes comments from both NetSPI staff or NetSPI Platform users from your organization.
6 The Details field group displays all available details about the asset, including the discovery source.

# Tabs on the Asset Details page

The default view is the Overview tab as described above. The asset's category/name displays as a view-only title at the top of the page.

Select the other Asset Detail tabs to view additional pertinent information:

  • Related assets: Displays a table of other assets related to the one selected.

  • Findings: Displays a table of findings associated with the selected asset.

  • Ports: Displays information about ports related to the asset.

Related ports
Related ports

  • Certificates: Displays a table of certificates related to the selected asset.

  • Products: Displays a table of products related to the selected asset.

  • Engagements: Displays all or your organization’s engagements that contain this asset; selecting a row will take you to the Engagement Details page for the selected engagement.

    Asset-related Engagements

  • Activity: Displays a historical log of activity related to this asset

    Asset activity

  • Comments: A table of comments made by NetSPI staff or your organization's NetSPI Platform users for this asset

  • Asset linage: A graphic display of the selected asset's lineage within your attack surface.

# Social engineering assets

Social engineering assets included in the assets list are those assets that could lend themselves to vulnerability for the purposes of deception.

Social engineering asset Default information displayed*
Location Name, location zone, country, city, and state
Person First name, last name, job title, and parent person (record)
Physical Component Name, physical component type (e.g., alarm, camera, etc.), ID, parent company, and zone
Policy Name, policy type, policy subtype, policy category, and parent company